Monday, December 11, 2017

Frustrated and disappointed that Acme in Jenkintown and Target in Abington are out of Chanukah wrapping paper and it’s only Monday. The holiday doors not begun until Tuesday evening.

Friday, October 20, 2017

On the Move can be across the street to watch the Friday night game. Hometown, grandson, what can be bad. Youthful exuberance, our future. 
Final score Jenkintown 36,Valley Forge Military Academy 0.  
What a game!!!!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Travel is not limited to planes, trains, cars or a bus. Travel is not limited to multiple days, various cities, states, countries. Travel is a specific special place apart from where you reside.
Yesterday, I took a one day trip to visit my best, forever friend in Pikesville, MD.
Why is this special to me? Yes to see friends but driving this route, crossing the Delaware River brings recall of my youth, traveling  to Washington, DC to see family.  My wonderful father Meyer Lichtig made each and every trip an adventure creating our thirst for travel.  We used the dictionary, encyclopedias, paper maps to chart the route we were taking, to learn about the history of the region.

That is how I approach travel,  exploring and learning about that new place you are visiting except now we use the internet though I must admit when I went to Israel in March, I did use traditional tour books and their subsequent maps.

Make every travel experience special  You will create wonderful memories.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

As the last days of  Summer camp draw to a close, I am reminded of  Albert Camus' statement,
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
This sustains us for another year.
Max is onthe Move home.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Reflection of a trip that can never be duplicated...there is only one "first time to Israel" but ready to post my adventures.
Arriving in Tel Aviv in the morning,  knowing nobody, not speaking the language, changing currency, navigating a nesher to Jerusalem, check-in, change rooms and now what to do for the rest of the day! Ask the concierge. Down this street, cross over, up the avenue and I'm at the back end of Machane Yehuda Shuk (market). Where to go, which smells to follow.  Hustle, bustle, scurry, it's almost time for Shabbat and everything will shut down. Courtesy of JWRP, I'm invited to Shabbat dinner at a private home.  Took a non-public cab but I con't find the address and none of the men would answer me when I asked for help but now I understand. It was Shabbat, I should not have been riding in a cab, only walking. I had a lovely dinner at the home of a couple who emigrated from England and Los Angeles to Jerusalem. Tip toed quietly down the dark steps to my waiting cab.  Shabbat Shalom.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Because of life circumstances I was unable to travel for many many years. More of that later. I wanted to tell you how the travel bug started in my family. My parents, especially my father, loved to travel. Travel to him was an involved, multi faceted adventure.  When a destination was picked the planning began. The research. The library trips, the maps opened, circled and taped.  A place was not just chosen for the it's history. That was the beginning. The place had to be researched for location, climate, politics, food, dress, shopping, museums and more. By the time my father boarded the plane or ship he had developed a small booklet and happily distributed it to those also going to the same place.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Media@aarp.My 5th or 6th new life is beginning. Traveling as a senior, take the challenge. Couples yes but  unattached  seniors can see the same sights as the millenniums exception being we have the gift of experience and life acquired wisdom to sightsee and travel.To use an old cliche, "LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE NOT JUST A DESTINATION "
#TBEXpost traveling,Masada,TelAviv,thank you.
Grateful for children, grandchildren. Now is my turn. Mature adults can do it all. Think positive, smile, be polite and say Todah when an Israeli soldier offers you a seat on the crazy light rail. #jerusalem

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What a day. Jerusalem light rail is easy to follow, learn to push when you want to get on and off, it's like being rebirthed. Today's tour, Jerusalemites, led by Dorit Graiver, met at Aroma Coffee #'26 in Machaneh Yehudah Shuk then to a theatrical stop at Uzi-Eli-The Esrog Man. Walked through the neighborhood of Nahlaot viewing the older homes with placards outside of some of the homes showing a picture of the original family who lived there and their history. Invited into orthodox home by Ariel Oren, wife of Chabbad Rabbi

Sunday, March 19, 2017

My thoughts begin with the young at heart traveling, or should I contact AARP?   Today we toured The Old City walking the cobbled streets of the Jewish, Muslim, Armenian and Christian merchants and stood at the convergents of the four religious communities. Appropriately dressed in long black skirts and long sleeves we were part of " Frozen  in Time" tour of the Mea-Shearim community, the orthodox and the  ultra orthodox neighborhoods. Narrow pavements, hustling Yeshiva students, mothers with baby carriages, horns honking (cold and windy tonight) and samples of well known bakeries and eateries, "see below":  Kudoos to Yana Milinervsky tour guide.
Avichail Bakery, Maadanei Hadar, Daitsh, Helman Bakery - chicken soup, gefilte fish, kugels, bagels and danish.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

My travel adventures and blogging begins and my friendship continues with Christy Prosser, a 23year friendship from Camp. To paraphrase, life is an adventure, not just a destination. The impetus was a trip to Israel, my first. And here it is March and off we go.

Friday, February 17, 2017


Awesome, a word over used but oh so applicable with respect to my friend of some 20+ years who is helping me to become a blogger. She instructs, guides and enables me to learn new technological skills.  I am forever grateful.

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